growing and care

Just mention Pine, and our memories and imagination is instantly filled with strong feelings and associations with the big outdoors and the breathe easy fresh air.

preferred soil conditions?

Responds best to well nourished soil. If feeds well from the leaf mould of other trees.

Pine likes good drainage, but does not like sandy soils.

preferred light, shade and water conditions?

Expect germination of sown seeds, indoors, to occur by the following March or April. Place pots, one seedling to a pot, near a sunny window and water regularly. The seedling may seem to be dormant for a few months. This is normal. Meanwhile,  keep turning the pots around to ensure the pine tree seedlings grow vertically and not lean towards the sun

Once the seedlings have grown over 6 tall, they can be transplanted outdoors in to larger one gallon size pots of balanced compost and kept in those pots for two years. Then transfer into the open ground during late October or early November where you wish to position them.

You need to make sure a radius of about 3 feet around each pine tree, mulch regularly and keep free from weeds and grasses

Of course, Pine likes water and can put up with a lot of water, but after a tree is two year old or older Pine is one of the best drought resistant trees. Extra watering is very, very unlikely to be needed.


As pine is an evergreen tree there is no annual budding, through each spring new branches may form.


Pine trees are known gymnosperms, which are trees that do not produce flowers. Instead, they produce male and female cones for reproduction. Small male cones form on the tips of the lower side of Pine branches where they release massive amounts of very fine, wind borne pollen that finds its way to the larger female cones on the upper sides of the branches. Once fertilized, new seeds forms under the female cones. scales.


Unfortunately, like a typical evergreen, Pine cannot be coppiced. Cut pine down to the base of its trunk and it dies.

fruit and seeds

Pine trees are generally reared from seed. seeds taken from female cones. Seeds can be collected from fallen cones between September and November.

Put the cones on paper towels and dry them in a sunny spot away from moisture. It takes 5 to 7 days to dry the cones until the seeds drop out. As you dry the cones, turn them daily so that every part of the cones gets equal amount of sunlight and wind. This ensures that the cones are dried well and evenly.

Tap the cones to release the seeds and rub them with your hands to get rid of the wings. Next, place them into a container of water. Only keep the seeds that float, as they are the most likely to germinate. Then plant them immediately.

You cannot plant complete cones as that does not work.

for the healing and nourishment qualities of Pine, please click here